PSEG Power LLC Natural Gas Power Plant BOP 2019
Matrix NAC installed below-grade conduit, grounding, temporary power, 345kV GIS, GE steam and gas turbine electrical, and all other above-grade balance of plant electrical for a new combined-cycle power plant. Owned and operated by PSEG Power Connecticut LLC, a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group, Bridgeport Harbor Station 5 adopts cutting-edge technology to power the greater Bridgeport region.
BHS 5 has added over 500 megawatts of highly efficient generating capacity to power more than 500,000 homes and businesses with clean, sustainable energy. The plant will run primarily on natural gas, but also ultra-low sulfur fuel oil as a backup. BHS 5 consists of a gas-fired turbine generator, a heat recovery steam generator, a steam turbine generator, and an air-cooled condenser, all combined a $550 million investment.
Scope of Work
- Peak manpower 200
- Pulled over 1,000,000’ of cable
- Made over 50,000 terminations
- Installed 20,000’ of cable tray
- Installed 80,000’ of conduit
- Achieved aggressive schedule dates
- Major components assembled offsite: HRSG & ACC modules
- Self-performed Isophase bus installation & welding
- Subcontracts included installation of instrument and lightning protection